Am writing a Chapter titled " Capacity Building for Islamic Finance in Malaysia & ASEAN ". Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamidin Abd. Hamid (Dep. Executive Director of the Asia-Europe Institute, U.Malaya) will be my supervisor for this topic.
Research thus far have only churn out 1, ... that's right ONLY ONE Journal Article of note i.e. an ILSP- Harvard Law School article by S.Nazim Ali titled " Islamic Finance and Economics as Reflected in Research & Publications ".
Other pertinent non-journal articles includes:
- AIBIM - 1 June 2009;
" Islamic Banking in ASEAN: don't fly too high!
Triangulation approach is the research methodology method to be used for this topic. The approach will however be more skewed towards the qualitative aspects i.e. interviews.
Places/Persons where Interviews on IF were conducted to-date:
A) INDONESIA - Jakarta & Bandung ( May - July 2009 )
- ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta.
Interviewed/Talked to 9 persons from different levels i.e. Secretary-General of ASEAN, Directors, Dep.Directors, Asst. Directors, Senior Officers & Technical Officers. - ERIA, Jakarta. Also, refer 2 July 2009 blog article.
- ITB, Bandung . Also, refer 2 July 2009 blog article.
- CIMB Niaga Bank, Bandung
- Tan Sri Sanusi Junid
- Prof. Saiful Azhar Rosly
- Mr. Khairil Abdullah
Appreciate any suggestions for me to proceed further on this topic especially on recommended journal articles, conference papers etc.