Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"NO HOLDS BARRED" INTERVIEWS at 3rd World Riba Conference 2012

Blogpost by one of the Speaker I'd interviewed i.e. Tom J.Kennedy @ Tommy La Riba form Canada. Read Tommy's UsuryFree blog HERE

(Tom J. Kennedy @Tommy "UsuryFree" Kennedy @T.LaRiba. Interviewed at 3rd RIFCON 2012 )

Overall it was a successful outing for Blogger and also from the IF Media angle at the 3rd World Riba Conference 2012 held in Kuala Lumpur from 26-27th November 2012.

~ Why Successful? - Well, 2 main reasons:-
FIRSTLY, it was the first time I'd managed to interview a number of International Speakers who were "NOT holding back their shots" so to speak in their unanimous condemnation of the present usury-based system and the failings of the present economic chaos.

and SECONDLY, posssible collaborative projects are in the works.

More Importantly, my network and linkages have been expanded... reminiscence of the days whilst attached to the Political and Security Co-operation Directorate at the ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta-Indonesia.

Managed to interview Speakers in the following order:-
(1) Hugo Salinas Price
Billionaire & President, Mexican Civic Association Pro Silver - MEXICO

(2) Bill Still
MoneyMasters Producer & Journalist - Virginia, USA

(3) Ellen Brown
President, Public Banking Institute & Author - California, USA

(4) Afroz Ali
Founder, Al-Ghazalli Centre - Sydney, AUSTRALIA

(5) Thomas J.Kennedy @ Tommy "Usury Free" Kennedy @ Tommy La-Riba
President, Cyberclass Network - Ontario, CANADA


  1. waw halaman yang bagus dan artikel yang baik . saya senang bisa menemukan halaman ini , karena artikelna menarik juga bermanfaat . ditunggu postingan yang berikutnya yaa ...

