Sunday, November 18, 2012


" Wahai Abu Hurairah! Belajarlah ilmu Faraid Dan ajarkanlah kepada orang lain kerana ia adalah separuh ilmu. Dia Akan dilupakan Dan dia Akan menjadi perkara pertama dicabut dari umatku." (Riwayat Ibn Majah dari Abu Hurairah r.a.)

Am attending a 3-day Islamic Estate Planning(IEP) course at the As Salihin Trustee Berhad HQ located In Kelana Jaya-Selangor branch as part of my undertaking for the newly-formed QIBLAH Consulting (an Islamic Finance Consulting, Advisory & Services outfit). and also as preparation for a segment on "Opportunities in Islamic Finance" for the ISLAMiC FiNANCE TV programme on The Capital TV, Channel 127 (Hypp TV-UNIFI).

An interesting hadith learnt today is:- "Half of Knowledge is in Faraid"
Very interesting training content.

More Report after the 2nd Day.


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