Attended the 4th International Islamic Capital Market Forum with the theme " Sukuk: Transferring the Best Practices " at the Securities Commission, KL.

It was good to receive updates on the sukuk. It can be said that negative conotations like "arbitrage" between Islamic and conventional finance and "helah fiqqiyah(legal devices)" is starting to creep-in or is rampant...depending on who you talk to!

Good to have met up with my former Islamic Jurisprudence lecturer whilst doing my PDIBF in IIUM i.e. Prof. Hashim Kamali (now the founding CEO of ISRA) and also my former Syariah Advisor whilst I was with EON Finance Berhad/EON Bank Group i.e. Dr. Mohammad Deen Mohd Napiah ( now Maybank Islamic Syariah Advisor). Also, IF practitioners like Wan Rahim (SC), Ust. Nurdin(SC), Afifudin (OSK), Wan Rizaidy (Bursa)and others.
Looking forward to the 5th International Islamic Capital Market Forum
TQ to SC's Islamic Capital Market & SIDC for the kind invitation.