The Centre of Research-Management & Innovation, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin(UNISZA) will be organising an International Management Conference aka IMaC2011 from 16-17 April 2011 in Taman Tamadun Islam, Kuala Terengganu.

The International Management Conference 2011(IMaC 2011)
themed “Innovation and Creativity in Management: Issues, Opportunity and Challenges”, is very apt and timely as Malaysia is in its transition to a new economic model based on innovation, creativity and high income nation.
Refer: IMaC2011 Official Website
After developing my idea over a few conferences and forums in 2010 (Inaugural SC-OCIS Forum in March 2010, 6th WIEF in May 2010 and culminating in my Public Suggestion during the Q&A Session with Syariah Scholars during 7th KLIFF in August 2010 )...I'd Finally, received GOOD News on the Academic/Research front.
The email received on 9th February(8.58am) from the IMAC 2011 Secretariat is as follow:-
" Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt
Dear Amirul,
We are pleased to inform you that your abstract entitled “Introduction of a Syariah/Halal Compliant Certificate for Islamic Finance Product” is in line with the theme of the Conference and has been accepted for presentation at the International Management Conference (IMaC2011) to be held from 16 – 17 April 2011 at Taman Tamadun Islam (TTI) in the city of Kuala Terengganu, the capital state of Terengganu, Malaysia.
Please follow the submission guidelines in preparing your manuscript and submit your full paper before or by 1st March 2011 to the Secretariat IMaC2011, which is available at the Conference website.
Your full paper will only be included in the conference proceedings compact disc, after confirmation of registration. For your information,selected papers will be considered for the Best Papers Awards.
We look forward to meeting you at the Conference!
Kind regards,
The Secretariat
International Management Conference 2011
Faculty of Business Management and Accountancy
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
Gong Badak Campus
21300 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, MALAYSIA
http://www.unisza.edu.my/imac2011 "
Now, all I need to do are:-
1) Finish writing my ideas;
2) Prepare my Presentation Slides(if any), and,
2) Look for Sponsors to cover incidental expenses, estimated at RM3,000-4,000.
Any Sponsors or Suggestions? In return, Sponsors will be given due credit in the Paper to be presented.