The 34th Islamic Banking and Finance (34th IBF) Discussion Series was held on Friday, 12 Safar 1433Hijrah (6 January 2012) at the IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance(IIiBF) Damansara-KL Campus.
Topic for this series is " Legal and Beneficial Ownership in the Underlying Assets for Sukuk Issuance ". Dato Dr.Nik Norzrul Thani (Chairman & Senior Partner - ZICOlaw) and Madzlan Mohamed (Partner, ZICOlaw) co-presented.
Issues Highlighted:-
1) The difference between Legal and Beneficial Ownership
2) Asset-backed v. Asset-based in Sukuk Issuance
3) Legal "infrastructure" in Malaysia as opposed to other jurisdictions in Middle-East, London-UK and Victoria-Australia.
Using Malaysian laws as the Law of Reference as opposed to English Law
4) Case Study of 2 defaulting Sukuks I.e. Nakheel & TID
5) Syariah Governance
ISLAMiC FiNANCE@The Capital TV were there to cover the event and interviewed the Chairman of ZICOlaw on the sidelines of the Series.
The 34th IBF Discussion Series also marks the last official function for the outgoing IIiBF Dean i.e. Prof.Dato Dr.Mohd Azmi Omar who will be the new Director-General of IRTI in Jeddah. Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman will be the new Dean.
This blog would like to take this opportunity to Congratulate Prof. Dato Dr.Mohd Azmi Omar and Prof. Abdul Rahim on their respective new appointments. We (blog & IF@The Capital TV) would also like to put on record our appreciation to the organisers for the kind invitation.
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